Shade Dri - Protective Fabric Products for Wood

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Buffalo, NY 14215



Stacked Lumber Protective Covering

Wrapping stacked lumber with Shade-Dri® does several things, it keeps the sun, wind, rain, and dirt off of it while controlling the drying process. Even though the fabric is black, it helps retain the coolness of the evaporation process near the wood. By slowing the drying of the outside cells of the lumber, the moisture deep inside the board can continue to escape. The result is brighter, cleaner lumber, more evenly dried with far fewer checks.

Caution should be used when tightly wrapping dead green lumber with Shade-Dri®. In extreme situations of high moisture content and hot, humid weather conditions, care should be taken to reduce excessive moisture accumulation under the wrap. In those instances, occasional venting is accomplished by lifting the Shade-Dri® and venting excess moisture in the beginning stages. Such extreme conditions can also cause mold and blue stain and should be taken into account before tightly wrapping lumber in extremely hot, humid weather conditions.

Figure 1: Curtain is secured at the top of the wood pile by driving nails through the grommets into the cover boards. Use a waterproof pile cover to protect lumber from rain and other elements. Curtain should be snug.

Figure 2: Curtain is secured at the bottom of the wood pile by driving a nail through the grommets and into cross pieces. Lumber is to be stacked on cross pieces to allow ventilation.

Figure 3: Curtain sections are secured by lacing rope or cord through grommets. Untying this allows easy access to lumber.

Shade-Dri®is a registered trademark of Cornelia Textiles, Inc.
Methods for inhibiting lumber checking are covered under US patent numbers 5,363,568, 5,491,958 and 5,699,646
Canadian Patent numbers 2,086,807 and 2,193,190

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